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  • 9 9282 - 5359
  • 9 9949 - 5086
  • 我们是您值得信任的公司

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    我们公司在船舶服务领域有非常丰富的经验, 以致力于为我们的客户提供高质量且非常有吸引力的产品和服务.

    是什么使我们与其它公司与众不同? 因为我们对待所有大小问题都很有紧迫感和责任感. 我们的目标是帮你解决问题, 不管遇到什么问题,在任何时候只要联系我们, 你的问题就会立刻成为我们为之奔忙的中心. 们公司的重点是想成为一个自成系统的在操作程序和硬件系统都有利于我们的客户和服务的灵活多变的一条龙规划,可以使离岸的办公室,油轮,散装货轮,集装箱货轮,军舰,拖船以及搜寻舰都可以被我们的服务所覆盖. 導航供應演示
    O perfil das pessoas que compõem a Navsupply


    • 我们的员工有很大一部分都是在远洋邮轮上有过工作经验的,由于这种特殊性,他们更能明白船舶运输行业的紧要性和重要性,且不能有任何的错误发生;

    • 他们的专业特长能更好的把所有的分支机构(船舶代理公司,港口接驳公司,航运服务后备支持,船舶食物/物品供应商,船舶设施设备提供商,以及备用设备贸易商等)组织起来更好的为客户服务,特别是紧急情况的处理。

    • 我们的工作目标是把所有的经营项目和提供的产品全方位的服务到我们的客户群体,比如:所有船舶的离岸手续服务,挖沙/挖泥服务,输油服务,散货的装卸货服务,货柜船服务,军舰船舶服务,拖拉船服务以及船舶搜寻服务。

    • 在强大的财团支撑的背后是我们有足够的能力来降低在为客户服务过程中所产生的任何不便.

    • 我们利用现有的一套完整的管理体系和一切可利用的先进的科技技术来完善我们的服务.




    为所有过往的船只运送所需的物品和物资, 我们在提供高质量的服务的同时也提供非常有吸引力的价格,为客户作出灵活的且有效的沟通.


    • 安全: 保障员工和合作伙伴的安全
    • 魄力: 我们遵从一切行业领域里的先进事物.
    • 高效: 我们清楚地明白客户所需,并且在任何时候都能够做好为客户服务的准备.
    • 创新: 提供后备方案以供客户选择并解决问题.
    • 和谐的环境: 清楚地意识到我们的任何行动都是会给整个社会带来巨大的影响.


    • 通過快速,準確和持續的溝通來滿足客戶的需求,從而獲得客戶的滿意;
    • 通過不斷改進質量管理體系和技術解決方案來支持公司的發展;
    • 培訓和發展員工以在安全的環境中實現他們的目標和組織的目標;
    • 與合格的供應商建立合作關係;
    • 遵守管理業務的所有規則和法律。

    We respect our community and our world. We celebrate cultural differences and treat everyone with dignity. We operate responsibly and are committed to the security, management and relationship with our customers.

    Our team is made up of people with great experience in the naval market, meet our leaders:


    With multidisciplinary experience and over 10 years working as a Shipowner, Eduardo knows life aboard and knows the true value of being well attended. This sailor vision is what guides NAVSUPPLY’s work and ensures a business culture focused on details and quality.

    Paulo Correa

    Commercial Manager
    30 years of extensive professional experience in shippping agency and everything that involves maritime transport and trade such as operational, logistic, chartering and documentation ensures that the highest quality is delivered at the lowest cost to the vessel, crews and owners.

    Léo de Castro

    Administrative Council
    A businessman with a unique vision and a lot of experience in the industry. Having a reputable and credible investor, makes NAVSUPPLY one of the most reliable ship suppliers on the market. Our work and accountability methodology follow the most rigorous legal and compliance standards in the world.

    Sonia Linhares

    Materials Purchaser
    27 years of experience in purchasing and developing partnerships with suppliers for industry and shipping. Extensive knowledge of technical purchases, with command of orders in English and intimate knowledge of IMPA, ISSA and other important catalogs for the area of navigation.

    Sahid Saenz

    Operations Manager
    15 years of experience in the maritime navigation market, working in the operational and commercial management of the supply chain, management of national and international contracts, representative of the company in front of customers and trade fairs and Management of the representation of brands and imports.