The company Vibra won the bid for lot MAC 11 in the Port of Maceió, located in Alagoas. This lot was intended for the handling and storage of liquid bulk, and the value of the concession reached R$ 60 million. The competition was concluded last Friday, the 11th, through an auction held at B3, in São Paulo, by the National Waterway Transport Agency (ANTAQ).
Vibra already had an active presence there, operating from its own base and also collaborating with other distribution companies. The area acquired today corresponds to Vibra’s exclusive base, covering an area of 19,472 square meters and with static capacity for up to 24,000 cubic meters of fuel. Over the 25 years of the lease, it is estimated that around 3,338 jobs will be created, considering both direct and indirect jobs, in addition to the impact on the local economy. Software errors
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Marcelo Bragança, Vice President of Operations, Logistics and Sourcing at Vibra, shared: “We have already established a strong presence in the state of Alagoas leading the fuel distribution market in the region. the efficient and safe distribution of fuels. Vibra is committed to moving Brazil with quality energy and is committed to sustainable development. This victory in the auction reinforces our logistics position in the area, with a focus on the use of cabotage as a means of transport, a more efficient and sustainable option compared to road transport.”
Winning the auction will open doors to expanding the use of cabotage as a mode of transport, accelerating efforts to reduce the environmental impacts resulting from the road transport of fuel to the Northeast. Vibra has already registered a record in the transport of biodiesel by cabotage in 2022, transporting more than 63 million liters from the Port of Rio Grande to Suape. recover my files crack 6.2 2 Although the initial expectation was a 20% increase compared to 2021, the heated demand for biodiesel in the Northeast led to a 33% growth in maritime transport of this biofuel compared to the previous year.